A birthday Letter

My Handsome Man,

It’s the first time in a decade that we’re not together for your birthday. As I’m writing this, all your presents are wrapped and waiting for you. The only thing left for me to organise is your cake!

As strange as it feels to not be focusing tomorrow around what you want to do (cinema), I would not have it any other way. I’m so incredibly proud of what you are doing at the moment. I love your excited texts and the phone updates I get each day. I can’t wait for the evenings when we’ll curl up in front of the television and watch the show that you’re currently working on.

I’ve found it quite incredible that among the twelve-hour days and the exhaustion that follows, you’ve still made the time to help me proofread university essays and talk me down from the pre-deadline panics. You’ve taken a moment to send me text messages of love and support when I’ve had to attend hospital appointments without you. Needless to say, I’m so grateful for you. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky. You deserve the best day today. Have an absolutely wonderful birthday. I’m looking forward to celebrating with you when you return home.

All my love




Buy them flowers


A weekend with Tom & Ellice - Family documentary session