My Meaningful Memories

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We grew up listening to stories of my Grandpa: tales of his bicycle; the neighbour’s rabbit dinner; the day he decided to make a rocket (with disastrous consequence - also known as the day he blew the toilet off the wall); and other stories when Grandpa was a little boy. We then added his navy years and his experiences there: the day the Americans came; the day he got stuck in the ocean’s bed… There are so many stories. We asked to hear them over and over as children.

When we knew these stories by heart, we turned to our parents and heard stories of when Grandpa built a pond in the garden; the new air rifle and the rainy day; “Never eat Shredded Wheat.” The list goes on. We have stories that span generations and we have loved them.

They are the meaningful memories of our family, lovingly retold to younger generations so we can know our ancestors a little bit better.

It started because one person wrote down their stories, their experiences, the moments that stand out in their memories.

I would love for you to join me in 2021. I will be recording My Meaningful Memories and sending out a weekly writing prompt to encourage you to do the same.


A lockdown birthday


Christmas Wishes - Christmas card 2020