Sunflower Field

Last year we went to Thurloxton Farm to see the sunflowers and I couldn’t resist returning this year. There’s something so cheery about a field full of yellow flowers.

This year, we also went in the maze. My nephews loved running along the paths and giggled with delight when we had to turn around because we had reached a dead end. They have created a shorter maze for little people which was the option we chose.

Next, we wandered the sunflower field looking out for the perfect sunflowers to bring home with us. My nephews enjoyed using the secateurs to cut their choices down, with adult supervision of course (much to their disgust).

Thurloxton Farm are raising awareness of the sunflower as a symbol for those with hidden disabilities.


Brady & Vanessa - Engagement photography at Eastnor Castle


The steps I Am taking to find balance again